Accountability Mastermind for Kingdom Entrepreneurs

Accountability + Community = MOMENTUM!

Did you know that studies have shown that those who share their goal with an accountability partner and commit to progress are 65% more likely to achieve their goal? Add in consistent WEEKLY check-ins with that accountability partner, and the likelihood of success soars to 95%!!

What happens when you combine those statistics with the truths found in Romans 12:4-9 and 1 Corinthians 12:4-11 that we are designed for COMMUNITY??

MOMENTUM is what happens!! Are you ready for momentum in your Kingdom business?

Join us!

MOMENTUM is both an accountability group and a fellowship ... a place to take action to GET STUFF DONE, and also a place to share the ups and downs of the journey.

I believe that the Lord is inviting his entrepreneurial daughters to function as the Body in the marketplace - and for the Kingdom - in relationship and collaboration with each other THROUGH our businesses. We are iron sharpening iron, and together we can have exponentially more impact than alone!

This group is made up of women from around the world and in many different industries... creatives & artisans, coaches, course creators, service providers, e-commerce shop owners, etc. It's also perfect for women at ALL STAGES of their entrepreneurial journey, because the goals you set and that you are trusting your sisters to hold you accountable to are those YOU set with God, that are aligned with where He has you in this season.

You could meet your next business bestie, or make a connection for a powerful collaboration!

What's Included?

  • WEEKLY 90 minute Zoom meetings to report progress on goals, share wins & get group feedback on any stalls/blocks!

  • Connections & fellowship with awesome like-minded purpose driven Kingdom entrepreneurs!!

  • Goal setting session at the end of each month to set you up for aligned action the following month

  • GROUP CHAT via Voxer to stay accountable and in touch with everyone in between sessions!

All meetings are held via Zoom on Wednesdays at 1:30-3pm CT. Our end of the month Reflect & Project (goal-setting) session is held during the last regularly scheduled Wednesday meeting each month.


ONLY $47/month!!

Psssst! Want to try us out for a month at a discount?

Message me (Amy) either through email ( or FB Messenger ( and I'll send you a coupon code to save 50% on your first month's membership!

This accountability mastermind is a monthly membership subscription. I hope you LOVE the community and the progress you make in your business as a member! However, you will receive a reminder email prior to each month's membership renewal to give you the opportunity to cancel your membership, should you wish to do so.

What others are saying:

I loved hearing and sharing dreams/goals in such a supportive growth environment!

Virginia M.

I gained a lot of clarity on the goals I wanted to pursue!

Martha P.

I wanted to come back each time having completed my goals!

Leslie B.

Join us!

Let's make some great progress in what the Lord has called us to - TOGETHER!

Women of Faithful Purpose, LLC is dedicated to supporting God's entrepreneurial daughters in their purpose & calling!

Accountability Group Schedule

Meetings each week on Wednesdays - 1:30-3pm CT

End-of-month goal setting session - last Wednesday each month

© Copyright 2024 Women of Faithful Purpose, LLC - All rights reserved.